Register your Barcode Number & ProductInternational Barcodes Database logo

If you purchase this item you will be able to register your barcode numbers and product/company details on the International Barcodes Database (information you submit to that database will be fed through to several other barcode databases as well).

Please put your barcode number (UPC, EAN, ISSN, or ISBN) into the “additional information” section when you proceed to the checkout page. We will then email you to request proof of your barcode ownership. If we are satisfied that you are the legal owner of a legitimate barcode number we will activate it for registration on the International Barcodes Database and give you instructions for how to register it.

Please note, ‘Barcode Registration’ is included in our EAN and UPC Barcode Packages already. You only need to purchase this item if you obtained your barcode from another company, or if you want to register an ISBN or ISSN number.

All prices in US$

Quantity Price per barcode
1 + $ 20.00 USD each
5 + $ 18.00 USD each
10 + $ 16.00 USD each
20 + $ 14.00 USD each
30 + $ 12.00 USD each
50 + $ 10.00 USD each




SKU: rego Category: